Why Georgia Should Consider Prison Privatization II

Georgia could run out of prison space in 1995 despite opening more than 11,000 prison beds over the past four years (at an estimated cost of $369 million). Even worse, the maximum prison capacity is projected to be 3,700 beds short by the middle of next year according to recent reports from the De- partment of Corrections. The problem is that the prisoner popu- lation is growing faster than expected. In just the past year Georgia’s inmate population has grown by 5,233, an in- crease of more than 100 inmates per week.


Georgia could run out of prison space in 1995 despite opening more than 11,000 prison beds over the past four years (at an estimated cost of $369 million). Even worse, the maximum prison capacity is projected to be 3,700 beds short by the middle of next year according to recent reports from the Department of Corrections. The problem is that the prisoner population is growing faster than expected. In just the past year Georgia’s inmate population has grown by 5,233, an increase of more than 100 inmates per week.


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