Kemp makes strongest push yet for tort reform
Kemp delivered an unusual, not-so-thinly-veiled threat: a special session later this year if lawmakers don’t act on his top priority.

Clarke County voters beg school board to not opt out of floating homestead exemption
More than 60% of voters in Clarke County said yes last fall to Georgia’s new floating homestead exemption, but the school board plans to opt out.

The worst time for Georgia to expand Medicaid
Georgia’s policymakers would be wiser to put their energies into making our market for healthcare work even better.

What is the Georgia Promise Scholarship?
This is your guide for accessing Georgia Promise Scholarships for your children.

‘Not allowed to know who is funding the lawsuit’
How a new legal scheme threatens Georgia’s economy and even national security.

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Guide to the Issues
Commonsense solutions to Georgia’s biggest issues
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Policy Paper
Review of Georgia’s regulatory environment
Georgia’s regulatory code has grown steadily since the Secretary of State’s office began tracking rules and regulations in 1965.

Next Steps for Georgia Tax Reform
When Georgia enacted the Tax Reduction and Reform Act of 2022, it began the hard work of fixing an outdated, uncompetitive tax code.

Policy Paper
Regulatory reform around the country
Several states are taking measures to curb overregulation and reduce the size of their regulatory codes.

Policy Paper
Government Regulation in the Price of a New Home: Georgia
Housing prices are rocketing skyward, and one factor contributing to the rise is the cost of regulation to build a new single-family home.
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