October 20, 2015
Contact Benita Dodd at 404-256-4050 or
The Case for K-12 Student-Based Budgeting in Georgia
Atlanta – The recommendations from the funding committee of Georgia Governor Deal’s Education Reform Commission, which were expected in August, have been delayed until December 18. That means, according to news reports, a postponement of least one year – until summer 2017 – in implementing any new education funding model for Georgia.
Reform is past due: Georgia’s Quality Basic Education (QBE) funding formula has stagnated since 1985 while the education landscape has transformed around it.
Today, more than one dollar in every three of Georgia’s state budget is allocated to K-12 education.
Just how does Georgia ensure that funding follows the student in ways that enable families to embrace education innovation?
Find out on Tuesday, December 8, 2015, when the Georgia Public Policy Foundation hosts the Reason Foundation and Allovue at the Cobb Galleria’s Centre’s Gallery Room for, “The Case for K-12 Student-Based Budgeting in Georgia,” a School Finance Reform Summit exploring the possibilities in student-based budgeting for Georgia.
The Summit, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., is open to the public. Registration is $30 and includes lunch. For the agenda and links to speaker biographies, go here; to register online, go here.
The event includes a panel discussion on Student-Based Budgeting 101 and the Role of Technology in Education Finance. Featured experts include the Reason Foundation’s Education Policy Analyst, Aaron Smith, and Jess Gartner, founder and CEO of Allovue, who was named one of Forbes magazine’s 30 Under 30 in Education for 2015.
Lunch will be followed by a keynote address by the Reason Foundation’s Director of Education, Lisa Snell, discussing the National Student-Based Budgeting Landscape, including best practices and results.
Media interested in attending must contact Benita Dodd at or 404-256-4050.
What: “The Case for K-12 Student-Based Budgeting in Georgia
When: 10:30-1:30 Tuesday, December 8, 2015 (Registration, networking begin at 10.00 a.m.)
Where: The Gallery room, Cobb Galleria Centre
Directions: Click here.
Attire: Business, business casual
Refund policy: Refunds provided upon request for registrations canceled before an event’s deadline. (Deadline: Friday, December 4, 2015)