The Foundation has received numerous compliments after Kelly McCutchen’s March 18 commentary about the state tax reform legislation that passed the Senate March 16.
One comment came from CPA Jeff Kellar:
With Florida and Tennessee not having an individual income tax, and Alabama’s rate of 5 percent, Georgia should continue to move in a more competitive direction. One additional measure the state could employ to assist and encourage small business, would be to eliminate the Net Worth Tax on small business corporations.
(Tennessee imposes a “Hall” tax on certain interest and dividend income). Georgia’s legislation, HB 238, would in fact eliminate the Net Worth Tax.
Kellar, a member of the tax leadership team at Ronald Blue & Co. CPAs and Consultants, LLP, has over 25 years of tax experience after receiving a masters of accountancy, tax specialization degree from the University of Georgia J.M. Tull School of Accounting, whose undergraduate, master’s, and Ph. D. accounting programs rank sixth, seventh and ninth, respectively, among public institutions, according to Public Accounting Report.
Other comments the Foundation received from readers:
- “This is an outstanding presentation — much more lucid and well-framed than that of the legislation’s sponsors as printed in the media.”
- “Super column! The GPPF’s contribution to this process is immeasurable.”
- “Thanks for the shout out to NC in your article. Looks like you guys are well on your way to giving us some real competition. I say let’s have a war to see who can lower taxes the most 🙂
- “This is a great, simple means of tax reform. By only allowing a few itemized deductions, this eliminates “crony capitalism” deductions like allowing businesses to deduct money spent on sporting events.”
— By Benita Dodd